Success in Life

Ever feel like every day is the same? You ever get that gut feeling that you should be doing more with your life? Like you have some higher purpose?

You think doing retail is your end-all-be-all? Maybe your doing some mundane paper-work at the office and have the impulsive temptation to just shred everything and go? But, where would you go? Unless you’re sitting on fortunes, you can’t leave. You’re tied down. You’re a slave to the system. You cannot escape… Or can you?

Thing is, before you even start thinking about quitting your job, you have to start thinking about your place in the world as you are at the moment. Depending on the operating system your brain is running, you may actually be the kind of person that enjoys taking orders from a manager. Maybe you’re the kind of person that looks forward to waiting 2 weeks before being handed money. Or maybe you’re not a “business” person and are afraid of starting your own business.

It doesn’t matter what you say or how you rationalize it to yourself, at the end of the day, you are either operating  in the system or you’re out of it. See, being in the system means you slave to an existing company or you answer to a “boss”. There is someone ‘above’ you telling you what to do, and if you don’t do it you risk losing your ‘stable’ place of enslavement. Or is it employment? Hard to tell the difference half the time…

But the point is, there is nothing holding you down to a job. Of course, I’d understand if you have a family and kids to feed, or maybe you live on your own and the rent must be paid. You gotta do what you gotta do… But! You really think that you will work there forever? Even if you have the option, would you? The answer is no because you are meant for greater things. And you know it. Even if you are getting paid 6 figures a year, you will have this gut feeling screaming, “There must be more than this!”

Because deep down you know that you have incredible potential in you just waiting to be unlocked. And if you don’t feel it now, you will feel it later. But then it may too late.

True success and fulfillment will only come out of you doing what you do best. You must use the time you have now to forget everything and everyone, and ask yourself a simple question: What do I love doing? Find what your passionate about, and make money out of it. But don’t focus on the money, focus instead on the value you’re giving to others. If you give people something of value, something that they need, they will pay you well for it. The first thing you have to discover is what you really enjoy doing – because whatever it is, I guarantee that you will be good at it. If it’s something that you truly enjoy, and you enjoy doing it often, you must have had hours of practice with it.. perfecting it…

Just as an example, maybe you took piano lessons all your life and now you want to start tutoring? Who knows, maybe you’ll rack up a nice amount of clients and the demand will require that you employ tutors under you.

It could be anything. Yes, you may start off by working for someone – most do – but at a certain point you must upgrade your mind’s operating system from OS Sheep to OS Lion. Once you leave “employment” there will be no paycheck waiting for you at the end of the bi-weekly rainbow. It’s all about you, and how well you take what is yours. No-one will hand you anything,. You must take it.

You think Bill Gates got to where he is by taking orders? By being passive and just working within the system? No. He broke free, and created a reality for himself in which he asserted control and did as he pleased. There will be haters, but let them hate. There will also be those that love you and ‘warn’ you of the dangers of going out on your own – but do you really want to stay inside the cave all your life? The world around you is so rich, so alive – you can be a part of it if you so desire… You can shape the world just as others do. Why are some successful and others not? Mentality.

Look at all the flourishing businesses all around the world. There are many of them. And if you look at any business, there is always a founder. The person who made it all happen. Took it from the baby steps, to the falling down the stairs and breaking 24 bones, up until overcoming all obstacles and ‘making it happen”. You will fall. A lot.

But the question is: How many times are you willing to get back up before you make it. Michael Jordan didn’t make his high-school varsity team. Steve Jobs was fired from apple. Albert Einstein’s teachers thought he was mentally retarded and he was literally expelled from school the same year. But what do all of these guys have in common? They didn’t stop. They were fearless, and bold. They didn’t give a shit about what anyone thought and they went for it.

Henry Ford says it best, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

Oh, and by the way, Henry Ford went broke five times before successfully founding the Ford Motor Company…

Let nothing stop you.

Conquering Fear

Most people are scared of spiders. Others are afraid of clowns. Some are even afraid of vegetables. Actually scratch the last one, no-one can be afraid of vegetables. Can they?

The fear of vegetables is called ‘Lachanophobia’ and it does exist. Sounds ridiculous? Well, your “rational” fears may not be any better. Ever wonder why you’ve never liked public speaking? Have you ever wanted to approach an attractive girl or guy and couldn’t? Maybe you wanted to say something but held it in and kept quiet instead?


Fear of what others will think.

I understand if there is a bear in the classroom. Okay, I’d also shit my pants. But unless there is a bear running towards you, theoretically, nothing will really “kill” you. No matter what you do, no matter how stupid or embarrassed you may feel afterwards, you will literally walk away without a single scratch or bruise. The people that judge you and try to bring you down don’t even deserve your attention. You live life only once and you should enjoy the ride while your still on it. Don’t take the backseat and let others dictate what you can or can’t do. Set no limitations for yourself.

If you’ve ever wanted to try something but said “Oh, I wouldn’t be able to do that…” then I say you should do it even more so! Make a list of all the things you’ve always been afraid to try. Remember! This list is very different than “the things you’ve always wanted to try”. I propose you make a list specifically based on things you’re afraid to do. Whether it’s doing stand-up comedy on open-mic night at some bar, or singing your favorite song while standing on the bus,  you live only once and you have to say that you’ve at least given it your best shot. Because in the last few years of your life, when you are already old and your time on this planet is nearing it’s end, you want to be able to say that you’ve given it your all. You want to be able to look back and say that you’ve done everything you wanted to do and did not hold back because of what someone might have thought about you. Become aware of your irrational fears, and then, without remorse, eliminate them one by one. The only things you should be afraid of are bears… and vegetables.

Epiphanies at 3 O’Clock in the Morning

You start life as a baby. You don’t know where you just came from, or even out of, because you are so, so young with no real understanding of the world you have just entered into. Your parents embrace you in their arms and they go on to teach you everything they know. Assuming they are normal, your parents go on to unleash a torrent of information onto you for your own good. They love you, and so they want you to be well versed in being a human being – but they also want you to be careful. They cherish their new baby as they would a gold mine and they invest into it so much of their time and effort – losing you would be catastrophic to their existence. Your parents, if they are sane, will go on to protect you for the rest of your younger years, keeping you safe from harm and bad experiences they already took part of and want none of anymore. You are undoubtedly shaped by your parents, and as much as they love you, you must understand that another parent would have raised you differently. You might have even been born into a different religion. Depending on which body your soul happened to snap into at birth, you would have become a different human being. Knowing this, would you really say that you are really you. Or is the you that you perceive from your perspective really just someone that has been nurtured to his or her current development stage. If you are able to see that you are just creation of past molding-sessions and experiences, would it be possible to take the paintbrush and start adding your personal touches?